Well, that was a tumultuous year globally, and a big year for the Dukes. There highs and lows include a couple of significant cancer diagnoses for a dear friend and a family member, the passing of cousins Peggy and David in England and Jeab's father in Thailand. We also said goodbye to friends beloved pets Gracie and Parker. We're sure there are many more sad stories for many of you out there. More uplifting milestons include Callie graduating from high school, turning 18 and heading of to university in Scotland, the completion of all but the landscaping of our place in New Zealand, an amazing trip to Istanbul, one broken foot, a sprained wrist, and surgery for tunnel carpal syndrome. Read on for the details.

We tried something different and set off Christmas Day trip to Bangkok and over New Year. Not many folks travelling so it was quite pleasant although it did compress the amount of time we could spend there. It also turned out to be the last time we were able to visit Jeab's father who would go on to pass away a few months later in March. We did get to catch with former work colleagues like Eric Jardine and Chris Platt, and thank Struan and Tor for their New Years' Eve hospitality including a decent 50 mile Bike Ride for Matt and a wonderful party for the Eve itself. The usual suspects like Nick, Gary, and Steve were on hand with their much better halves on New Years' Day. Callie got to go off and explore the city a few times by herself as well as Matt meeting many of the British Club football alumni at one of the "spare" evenings.  In the meantime, we made real progress with the house in NZ underway with slab being poured. Back at Houston, the Garage attic conversion has a door! Towards the end of the month, Matt made the drive to Austin to participate in their Hackathon as a judge.

February rolls in with a lovely Dad and Daughter night organized for the many girl scout troops in this part of Houston. Meanwhile in NZ, the timber frame of the house is up but it is still hard to quite visualize how it will look. Bruce Springsteen is playing in Dallas (we couldn't get tickets for Houston) so Matt and Jeab made a quick trip for a fun night in Houston's main rival for "we got it all"City in Texas. Work took Matt to Atyrau in Kazakhstan with Moon and Errol for a visit to the massive development at Tengiz. Very very cold, so cold that the Ural River was still well and truly frozen but it was fun to cross back and forth over the bridge and flip between Europe and Asia. Back in Houston,  Gabby tries her hand at basketball and Callie’s senior project play is performed after months of building props in our garage and collecting edgy, dystopian footage around town. The pay was excellent and we thank everyone who showed up for their performance.

March is mid term break for the school district and we we originally supposed to go to Truckee in California to stay with Kevin and Roby, but the result of another atmospheric river meant a huge amount of snow and uncertainty on if we could even get up there or back so we made a quick decision to keep the CA trip but stay in the Bay Area. The atmospheric river still pro plenty of cold rain but we could spend time in doors at various museums and eventually the weather cleared up nicely towards the end of the trip. We thank Warren and Lin for hosting us in Menlo Park and Matt Tierney for Oakland, where we also were delighted to see Otto, Poog and Mike and for the last time, the lovely Gracie. It was also our first mid term break without Callie,  who joined here Hight School friends for a grand and hectic tour across 4 countries in goes to Europe. Continuing the hectic schedule, Matt spent a week in La Jolla (still largely raining) for work and spent one lovely evening with former SDSU professors and revisited many of the cliffs he studied as a graduate student. Gabby is taking Ice Skating lessons and Matt returns just long enough to repack before leaving for Paris where he has been invited  to speak at a conference. It was shaping up to me a very special trip when we got the sad news that Jeab's father, Yuttachai, passed away in Bangkok. Matt leaves the next morning and the following day, Jeab goes back to Thailand for 4 weeks.

So April starts off pretty sad for us with Dad's funeral, and Jeab stays around to ensure that Mum is going to be okay. They spend a lot of time together and travel and reflect. Meanwhile, SDSU surprise us all by making it the Final Four College Basketball playoffs and seeing as its in Houston, Matt decides to go and support his alma mata. The Aztecs keep the surprise going by winning their semi final against the odds in really exciting game and go on to lose to a better team on the night, but nonetheless, a spectacle worth witnessing at least once. Late in the month we had Prom for Callie, Gabby performing with her Hula Hoop group at the half time show at the Houston Dynamo Stadium, carrying on with indoor soccer, and going to one day of the  Lady's PGA. Happiness and balance is restored when Jeab returns, and the attic conversion is finally finished with curtains, internet and a TV. The work on the back porch room extension and blinds starts in earnest.

Some of you know that Gabby is quite taken with Ancient Egypt, so much so that she dresses as Cleopatra for presentation. Jeab and Matt to see a vibrant Tom Jones, and later Gabby meets the weatherman and has 7th birthday pool party, as the small garden we have starts to yield carrots, basil, chillies, sweet peppers, tomatos and egg plant. Gabby is in the chorus of the school production, but all focus shifts to Callie Graduation. We are so thankful that many of our friends were able to attend her ceremony and we find ourselves out of highschool but no decision yet in UCAS on what UK school to attend and about two weeks to go. This calls for mad dash to England and Scotland, at the end of May and in to June. Stalwart Simon picks us up at Heathrow and immediately off to breakfast near Royal Holloway so we can tour then nearby town. We'll go back the next day for the campus tour. Next day we are off to Aberdeen and have a terrific stay aided by Bangkok friend Stephen Forbes and Pittsburgh alums Dan and Shona Byrne. While we are away, we get a roof over the deck at the back of the garage that really helps keep the edge off the vicious Houston sun (until July when it is just plain too hot until October).

Still in June, Callie decides the vibe is  Aberdeen and immediately starts to lobby the department to switch from legal studies to a Medical Science Degree in Neuroscience and Psychology double major. With that sorted we return to Houston in time for probably our favourite musical Wicked, and Gabby's troop Ballet performance. The NZ house has now has walls, and the project to cover over pool and make it useable all day vs only late in the afternoon when there is shade, is done. Gabby does a School of Rock for project and performance but without doubt the month is truly capped by Callie's play, the Fifth Passenger, is performed in Houston at a local playhouse. Written the summer before, it tells the story of the seven stages of grief and Death ushers the recently deceased characters, each epitomizing a stage, on to the afterlife via an underground-like train. Callie entered it in to competition for Highschool playwrights, and along with 2 others, was selected to work with a scriptwriter and producer and have the short play put on. When "acceptance" comes on in the form of a young cancer victim, there isn't a dry eye in the house. Thanks to all the support on-line and and in person that helped make this a truly wonderful occasion. And then, with less than two weeks to go to our ski trip and chance to see the new house in person, Gabby breaks her foot

Sometimes it is the simple things and so jumping in to a ball pit with a bit too much gusto can generate a closed fracture. Gabby was a real trooper about it but of course it changes the flavour of the upcoming trip. In the meantime, as we tried to undo ski passes, lessons and the like,  Callie turned 18 and celebrated with a  pool party. Joe Ponthier dropped by in time to sign Gabby's cast and off we went to visit New Zealand. First stop, even before going to our accommodation, was a trip to the new house. We were excited ot see it essentially  trip complete outside but would have to wait a day to meet the builder and have a look inside and go up on top of the garage where one day we will have a deck and outdoor area built with great views of the mountains and lake. We got to spend a lot of time with long time local friends Brian and Linzi. We soon figured out a reduced activity scope for Gabby including indoor games, museums, archery, library time and simply enjoying the view. Callie was a little more adventurous trying out tandem paragliding over Queenstown as we waited for Cousin Alex to arrive from Sydney. Once she was with us all the girls hit it off, with the older girls doing the Bungie, Hiking, Salmon Fishing, Shooting, and as a family, an overnight to Dunedin for a women's World Cup Soccer Game.

In August we sadly but fondly said goodbye to Alex and took care of a few more remaining choice for the house, focussing on internal furnishings as well as a lovely afternoon with our other Wanaka dear friend, Peter Hart. Despite not being able to ski, we drove over the range after some new snowfall and at least had the obligatory snowball fight. Three weeks seemed to fly by and are are back in Houston enjoying a Geology Family Day at work. Making the most of still having Callie at home for a little longer, Jeab and Matt nipped over to England for the weekend for two Rugby World Cup warm up games at Twickenham, the 100 cricket final at Lords, and an outstanding AC/DC tribute band to boot, all ably assisted and hosted by Simon and Lou. Jeab got to see Mark and Lek and a very grown up Jamie. Upon our return, Matt rode a raptor at AAPG and the main construction for our patio roof extension done.

So September was always going to be a milestone month for the family, with Callie heading off to Aberdeen for University. Many tears fell, some of them were even Calliana's. Before the big trip though, Matt had a great visit with the Geology Department at Texas A&M and the complementary work on the back porch project was finished bar the painting. Callie goes deep in to her crochet hobby to quickly knit a throw for her room and then just like that, we are packing and counting down the last few days before Matt and Callie fly to London. Because of the late arrival and the parking lot that is the M25, we decided to break the 10-ish hour drive to Aberdeen in half by staying on the edge of Newcastle the first night. This also allowed Matt to swing by the very impressive Bamburgh Castle (aka Bebbanburg on TV and complete a drive through the ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria), while ending up at Callie's new flat in a complex at the Hillhead Student Village at a reasonable mid afternoon time frame to get unloaded and set up before a lovely welcome dinner with Shona and Dan. Matt also made a quick dash to have te with Stephen and meet his family. After a few trips about town to get a phone, a bank account, a travel card, a GP registration, and a few more things for the flat, Callie is settled in and Matt is making the lonely trip back south and Callie truly on her own way for the next stage of her life adventure

Matt is soon cheering up though spending the next night at the home of Yvonne with other Aberystwyth Geo's Steph, Ros and Sophie, and then on further south down the east side, Matt spends the next night with former college roomie Julian and after  a lovely Indian with wife Nicola, the to lads put the world to right with a massive catch up session in to the small ours. After that, Matt heading almost immediately kicks off left to make in to the last of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of East Anglia, being hosted in style in Norwich by Steven and Kipling. What a great birthday weekend if was to offset the sadness of leaving Callie behind. Matt managed to visit the final resting place of his parents in Wymondham, a cuppa with middle school and rugby pal Robert Hawkins,  afternoon tea with Muttley and Lynne and his grown up boys, both of Steven's parents Rodney and Barbara, and a memorable few evenings with Neil and Sophie, all capped off by a birthday meal in Norwich with Craig Ferguson along too. Once safely back in Houston, more of the usual routine prevailed with school related things for Gabbie like her charity fun run and Matt helping out at the SPCA with work and Callie reporting back that she's settling in well and even cooking impressive meals for her 4 flat mates and friends from class.

With only three months left in the year it hardly seemed likely we could fit much more in but then Matt is off to Perth for work for the first time in 13 years. Initially staying the first weekend Arnie and Pinky and visiting the old place we lived in for 5 1/2 years, and some of our favourite haunts. On Sunday there was a great work reunion at City Beach and on Monday Matt joined Moon and Errol for the business end of the trip. There was still evening time to catch up with a whole heap of chums like James, Matt Jones, Jeroen, Steve Rodgers and a great meal at home with Thuy and Brendan Bradley. Matt stayed the following weekend, this time with college friend Paul and Joss Easden and grown up son Kieran and god-daughter Charlotte. He also met our lovely friend Sara Dryden for lunch by the beach, and shared a wonderful weekend of food, wine and rugby (plus a great bike ride complete with kangaroo) with the Easdens. Matt was very sad to leave them but make the long trek back to Houston. Back in Aberdeen, there is more cooking from Callie, and Jeab and Matt went to a fantastic Peter Gabriel show. Gabby took a turn doing the weather for her Elementary School and dressing up like Harley Quin for Halloween and her Girl Scouts stand at the big school carnival.

Finally in November, the weather become lovely for walking, especially around Memorial Park and the Botanical Gardens. We have finalized curtains and furniture and the outdoor living and landscaping for New Zealand, one of us fell from our bike to  sprain a wrist, and Matt almost made a trip to Angola (the plane from DC to Brussels lost power and some 5 plus hours later United admitted defeat and cancelled our flights. Next day, we flew back to Houston. However, we did have most wonderful Thanksgiving (even if it was the first without Callie) in in keeping with the theme of trying at least one new place to visit per year, we chose Istanbul. What a wonderful visit with amazing history, sights, people and food. Although Gabby did as after 4 full days that our last day "might be a little less Ottoman Empire?" Hence our trip to the Lego Experience in a very pleasant and modern shopping mall well outside the touristic areas. We even found two top Thai restaurants nested in amongst the cobblestone streets. Well worth the visit! In the meantime, Callie continues to settle in and takes a weekend train trip to Edinburgh to be hosted by Matt's Geology friend Sara and her family.

So that only leaves December when all the Christmas parties begin and Callie came home from Aberdeen for 4 weeks. We surprised Gabby at school as she thought her sister was coming home a few days later. Gabby also wanted to wait to put the star on the top of tree for her sister too. The Shepstones came home from KL and Moon and Ning hosted a Christmas Party and by the time you read this, we will have done our first one in a long long time too. Cinderella the musical was a real joy and the NZ house is ready for code sign-off. The only thing left to do after Christmas is spend just under a week in Lake Placid, New York over New Year and before you know it, Callie will be back to Aberdeen and 2024 will be fully underway!

So what's in store for 2024? Well, Callie will be back to Uni in mid-Jan and plans to take her friends to Toulouse for a few days before classes start. The rest of us will visit Wanaka for a few week in early March to stay in our finished and furnished house before we turn it over to Air BnB. The very next week, Jeab will go to Thailand and bring her Mum for a few months. We're not sure yet if Callie comes home for her Easter break, we'll see. Other than that, there's bound to be more excitement and potential turmoil at Matt's work so who knows if that might precipitate some kind of move?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Gabriella, Calliana, Jeab and Matt

Houston, December 2023

Well, we wont forget 2023 in a hurry

Real Estate Website Builder
Wanaka pickleball mixer
Wanaka pickleball mixer
Legendary dino slide
Legendary dino slide
House nearly there
House nearly there
Front deck
Front deck
Ebbage-Thomas dinner
Ebbage-Thomas dinner
Haveashot Wanaka
Haveashot Wanaka
Miso Class
Miso Class
Queenstown Cable
Queenstown Cable
Callie Airborn
Callie Airborn
Alex from Sydney
Alex from Sydney
Evening Games
Evening Games
Linzi Hugs
Linzi Hugs
Brian the Ice cream Man
Brian the Ice cream Man
About to Bungee
About to Bungee
Reeling in
Reeling in
We Did It!
We Did It!
Alex snow first
Alex snow first
Coronet Peak
Coronet Peak
Women's World Cup
Women's World Cup
Roof extension
Roof extension
Proud Owners
Proud Owners
Salmon adveture
Salmon adveture
Catch of the Day
Catch of the Day
Hike with Unk
Hike with Unk
Pretty Peaceful
Pretty Peaceful
Lakeside munch
Lakeside munch
Dance off
Dance off
Just relaxed
Just relaxed
Legendary Hand
Legendary Hand
Ladies Walking Here
Ladies Walking Here
Fresh snow
Fresh snow
Sunset Pink
Sunset Pink
With Peter
With Peter
Painting over
Painting over
Aspiring to go home
Aspiring to go home
Top garage concept
Top garage concept
Geology Welcome
Geology Welcome
Family Day
Family Day
New friends
New friends
Porch improvements
Porch improvements
SA vs NZ Twickenham
SA vs NZ Twickenham
Simon Sports Weekend
Simon Sports Weekend
Gone wild
Gone wild
Bike trails
Bike trails
Biker Gang
Biker Gang
City Beach
City Beach
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn
Young Kieran
Young Kieran
Sleep Pods
Sleep Pods
House (almost) done
House (almost) done
Kitchen ready
Kitchen ready
Master bath
Master bath
Peter Gabriel
Peter Gabriel
Bussing in to Aber
Bussing in to Aber
Discerning Gentlemen
Discerning Gentlemen
Selling GS Cookies
Selling GS Cookies
Aber Halloween
Aber Halloween
Waiting for Callie to Facetime
Waiting for Callie to Facetime
Botanical Gardens
Botanical Gardens
First Guy Forkes
First Guy Forkes
Fish and Chips
Fish and Chips
Off to Angola
Off to Angola
National Mall
National Mall
Joe in Town
Joe in Town
Loy Khratong
Loy Khratong
Cooler times
Cooler times
Al fresco brekkie
Al fresco brekkie
Thanksgiving airport
Thanksgiving airport
Foodies at College
Foodies at College
Taksim Square
Taksim Square
St Anthony's
St Anthony's
Getting Messi
Getting Messi
Making Friends
Making Friends
Giants Swords
Giants Swords
Blue Mosque
Blue Mosque
Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia
Local coffee
Local coffee
Sharing with Cats
Sharing with Cats
Night stroll
Night stroll
Hustle and Bustle
Hustle and Bustle
National Mosque
National Mosque
In the Navy
In the Navy
Tired but happy
Tired but happy
Great Thai food
Great Thai food
Advent count down
Advent count down
Story telling competition
Story telling competition
Finished porch sans painting
Finished porch sans painting
Covered back deck
Covered back deck
Cosy space
Cosy space
Extra room
Extra room
Cool for Cats
Cool for Cats
Guitar try out
Guitar try out
Ladies of Temple
Ladies of Temple
Christmas poses
Christmas poses
Day trip to Edinburgh
Day trip to Edinburgh
Rockets event
Rockets event
Another Full Moon Party
Another Full Moon Party
Surprise at School
Surprise at School
Star on top
Star on top
Lek & Grown Up Jamie
Lek & Grown Up Jamie
100's Finals
100's Finals
Onwards Raptor!
Onwards Raptor!
New Hobby
New Hobby
Back Improvments
Back Improvments
Final Day
Final Day
Heathrow Arrival
Heathrow Arrival
Bamburgh Castle
Bamburgh Castle
New Home
New Home
Flat out
Flat out
Musselling up
Musselling up
Aberdeen wander
Aberdeen wander
Yes, they have one!
Yes, they have one!
See you Dad!
See you Dad!
College Reunion
College Reunion
Geology Pals
Geology Pals
Roomie Julian and Nicola
Roomie Julian and Nicola
Mum and Dad final spot
Mum and Dad final spot
Wymondham Abbey
Wymondham Abbey
Middleschool Robert
Middleschool Robert
Highschool Muttley and Lynne
Highschool Muttley and Lynne
Birthday Dinner
Birthday Dinner
New bestie Vinnie
New bestie Vinnie
Giving it back
Giving it back
Running for charity
Running for charity
Callie the Cook
Callie the Cook
Feeding the Flat
Feeding the Flat
Perth Arrival
Perth Arrival
Pinky & Arnie
Pinky & Arnie
Old house
Old house
former colleagues
former colleagues
Beach Life
Beach Life
More Callie cooks
More Callie cooks
Away Team
Away Team
New Office outlook
New Office outlook
Bradley hosts
Bradley hosts
Home Team
Home Team
Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers
Sara Dryden
Sara Dryden
Paul and Joss
Paul and Joss
Goddaughter Charlotte
Goddaughter Charlotte
Adventure Houston
Adventure Houston
Xmas 2022
Xmas 2022
In Bangkok
In Bangkok
50mile ride with Struan
50mile ride with Struan
NYE Singalong
NYE Singalong
Best of Bangkok
Best of Bangkok
NYD Chaps
NYD Chaps
NYD Ladies
NYD Ladies
Garden with Nana
Garden with Nana
Group with Granddad
Group with Granddad
Slab poured in NZ
Slab poured in NZ
Fossil dig
Fossil dig
Garage Attic has door!
Garage Attic has door!
And a window
And a window
UT Austin Hackathon
UT Austin Hackathon
Science experiment
Science experiment
Callie builds props
Callie builds props
With Kevin and Andy
With Kevin and Andy
Christian In Town
Christian In Town
Full Moon Party
Full Moon Party
Girl Scouts Dance
Girl Scouts Dance
House is framing
House is framing
Gabby Icescapades
Gabby Icescapades
UT Dean Visit
UT Dean Visit
Attic Progress
Attic Progress
One Night in Dallas
One Night in Dallas
Super Bowl Party
Super Bowl Party
In Atyrau
In Atyrau
Safety Briefing
Safety Briefing
Kazakh Team
Kazakh Team
From Office
From Office
I said that
I said that
Kazakh battleship
Kazakh battleship
New Hats
New Hats
Live on Stage
Live on Stage
Jan has the code
Jan has the code
Callie to Europe
Callie to Europe
Highschool Seniors
Highschool Seniors
Chamberlain Reception
Chamberlain Reception
Warren & Gabby
Warren & Gabby
View on top
View on top
Museum Fun
Museum Fun
Exploratorium waterfountain
Exploratorium waterfountain
Tapas Interlude
Tapas Interlude
Eye Dissect
Eye Dissect
Trolley to Chinatown
Trolley to Chinatown
Base of Presidio Park
Base of Presidio Park
Bluesky Play
Bluesky Play
Children Science Museum
Children Science Museum
Sea Lion's wharf
Sea Lion's wharf
Meanwhile in Europe
Meanwhile in Europe
Sweet View
Sweet View
Fort Baker
Fort Baker
Discovery Museum
Discovery Museum
With Gracie and Matt
With Gracie and Matt
Tierney Time
Tierney Time
Otto and Gracie
Otto and Gracie
Farewell Oakland
Farewell Oakland
San Diego Landing
San Diego Landing
La Jolla session
La Jolla session
Geologists at Work
Geologists at Work
Conglomerate of Geologists
Conglomerate of Geologists
Singer Geoff
Singer Geoff
Pre Ball
Pre Ball
Our man in Paris
Our man in Paris
So I said....
So I said....
Une Nuit A Paris
Une Nuit A Paris
Gabby Gang
Gabby Gang
Walk like
Walk like
Farewell Grandad
Farewell Grandad
His final journey
His final journey
Final 4
Final 4
Won the semi
Won the semi
Lost the final
Lost the final
Skating onwards
Skating onwards
Soccer Ladies
Soccer Ladies
Art Show
Art Show
Seeing the weather in Principal
Seeing the weather in Principal
Senior Prom
Senior Prom
Adhesive Friends
Adhesive Friends
Callie helps with food
Callie helps with food
Attic Finished
Attic Finished
Gabby Ballet
Gabby Ballet
April Swim
April Swim
Soccer Stadium
Soccer Stadium
Halftime Hoops
Halftime Hoops
Lady's Golf
Lady's Golf
With Elsa and Joseph
With Elsa and Joseph
Mum is Back!
Mum is Back!
Final Design
Final Design
Gabby goes Cleo
Gabby goes Cleo
High Tea for B/day
High Tea for B/day
Dad's First Golf in a while
Dad's First Golf in a while
TV Weatherman visits
TV Weatherman visits
There is a Cure
There is a Cure
Gabby 7, Pool Party
Gabby 7, Pool Party
Mini garden produce
Mini garden produce
School Show
School Show
Support for the Graduate
Support for the Graduate
Dad so proud
Dad so proud
It's Official
It's Official
England with Simon
England with Simon
Checking out Royal Holloway
Checking out Royal Holloway
From Perth Times, the Harveys
From Perth Times, the Harveys
Grown Up Kimberley
Grown Up Kimberley
Sneaky drink with Dad
Sneaky drink with Dad
Aberdeen Stephen Forbes
Aberdeen Stephen Forbes
Aberdeen explore
Aberdeen explore
Aberdeen Uni
Aberdeen Uni
Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall
with Shona and Dan
with Shona and Dan
She chooses Aber!
She chooses Aber!
Wicked Girl
Wicked Girl
Ballet Show
Ballet Show
Ballet Support
Ballet Support
Scene from Callie's play
Scene from Callie's play
Final applause
Final applause
Callie Support Team
Callie Support Team
Shepstone love
Shepstone love
House progress
House progress
School of Rock
School of Rock
Fractured Rock
Fractured Rock
Fractured Ankle
Fractured Ankle
Cast signing
Cast signing
Callie is 18
Callie is 18
Birthday dinner
Birthday dinner
Covington reunion
Covington reunion